Money Plant Varieties: Exploring Different Species for Prosperity

Money Plant Varieties


The money plant, scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum, is an iconic indoor plant loved for its lush green foliage, low-maintenance nature, and the belief that it brings prosperity and good luck to its owners. While the common name “money plant” is often associated with the Golden Pothos variety, there are actually several species and cultivars of Epipremnum that can add beauty and charm to your living space. In this article, we will explore various money plant varieties, their unique characteristics, and tips on caring for them to ensure prosperity and growth.

1. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)


The Golden Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is the most well-known and widely grown money plant variety. It features heart-shaped leaves with variegated patterns of green and yellow, making it a stunning addition to any room.

Caring Tips:

Golden Pothos thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate low-light conditions. Allow the soil to dry between waterings and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Regular pruning keeps the plant bushy and healthy.

2. Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’)


The Marble Queen Pothos is a striking variety with leaves that display a mix of green and white patterns, creating an elegant and eye-catching appearance.

Caring Tips:

Similar to Golden Pothos, Marble Queen prefers indirect light and moderate watering. The variegation may fade in low light, so ensure the plant receives adequate brightness.

3. Jade Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Jade’)


The Jade Pothos is known for its lush green leaves without variegation, offering a more subtle and classic look.

Caring Tips:

Jade Pothos is easy to care for and can thrive in various lighting conditions, from low to bright indirect light. Water moderately and avoid letting the plant sit in standing water.

4. Neon Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’)


The Neon Pothos lives up to its name with vibrant, bright green leaves that add a pop of color to any room.

Caring Tips:

This variety prefers bright, indirect light to maintain its neon hue. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

5. Snow Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Snow Queen’)


The Snow Queen Pothos is a unique variety with leaves displaying a mix of green, white, and silvery-gray patterns, resembling a snowy landscape.

Caring Tips:

Provide bright, indirect light to maintain the variegation. Water the plant when the top inch of the soil becomes dry.

6. Cebu Blue Pothos (Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’)


The Cebu Blue Pothos is a visually distinct variety with elongated, heart-shaped leaves that have a powdery blue hue.

Caring Tips:

This rare variety prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings.

7. Manjula Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula’)


The Manjula Pothos is a delightful variety with leaves featuring a mix of green, silver, and creamy-white patterns.

Caring Tips:

Provide bright, indirect light to maintain the variegation. Water the plant when the top inch of the soil becomes dry.

8. N’Joy Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘N’Joy’)


The N’Joy Pothos is a charming variety known for its compact growth and attractive white and green variegated leaves.

Caring Tips:

This low-maintenance plant can thrive in various lighting conditions, from low to bright indirect light. Allow the soil to dry between waterings.

9. Jessenia Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Jessenia’)


The Jessenia Pothos is a rare and sought-after variety with unique golden-yellow leaves.

Caring Tips:

Place this plant in bright, indirect light to maintain the vibrant leaf color. Water moderately and avoid waterlogging.

10. Pearls and Jade Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Pearls and Jade’)


Pearls and Jade Pothos is a captivating variety with small, round-shaped leaves displaying a mix of green, white, and cream colors.

Caring Tips:

Provide bright, indirect light to preserve the variegation. Water the plant when the top inch of the soil becomes dry.


With their lush foliage and believed powers of prosperity, money plant varieties have become cherished additions to homes and offices worldwide. From the classic Golden Pothos to the rare Jessenia Pothos, each variety offers unique charm and beauty. By understanding the specific care needs of these different species, you can ensure the well-being and growth of your money plants, bringing beauty, prosperity, and good luck to your living space.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Yes, many money plant varieties, such as Golden Pothos and Jade Pothos, can tolerate low-light conditions. However, they may grow more slowly and show reduced variegation.

Watering frequency depends on factors like the plant’s size, lighting, and humidity. As a general rule, water when the top inch of soil becomes dry.

Yes, money plants are easy to propagate through stem cuttings or air layering. Both methods yield new plants that can be potted and grown separately.

Money plants benefit from occasional fertilization during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer and follow the instructions on the label.

Keeping your plant clean and free from debris can help prevent pests. If infestation occurs, isolate the affected plant and treat with organic pest control methods or insecticidal soap.

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